From Świnoujście do Kiel 13-22.05.2022


Route: Świnoujście – Penemünde – Stralsund – Warnemüde/Rostock – Wismar – Burgstaaken – Kilonia
Date: 13-22.05.2022
Miles / hours: 276Mm/56h

14-05-2022 Saturday Penemünde
We get up at 6, but we do a little procrastinate and leave at 7:30 am fine too. We leave Poland on a yacht for several years. Weird feeling. Blows 4-5B from the west. We are sailing on a registered jib and a 7.5 knot tip. At 12 o’clock we enter the approach track to Penemünde.

To Penemunde

We go on the engine – it is shallow on both sides. At 2 p.m. we enter the Regattaverein marina in Penemünde. You enter the marina between two dolphins. Marina is tiny. Yachts stand bow to quay and stern to dolphins. Dalby are narrow and we cannot fit between them. We stand longside at the outer quay.
You pay for the marina in the hafemaster’s hangar. There are toilets in the same hangar with a different code for women and a different code for men. We embrace and head to the museum at the V1 and V2 rocket production factory. Perhaps 1/20 of the buildings remained from the huge area. Admission costs 10 € per person + 1 € for the entrance to the observation deck. In one of the buildings there is an exhibition with films and descriptions of how they produced and tested the rockets – they were called aggregate 4 or V2.

Penemunde  Penemunde V1
V1 looked like a small plane and V2 looked like a real rocket. The exhibition has a lot of descriptions – some even in Polish, some photos and videos and some small exhibits. In the next building there is a power plant that supplies all plants. There are machines, cables and halls. Looks and smells like part of a factory. Upstairs, in one of the halls, there is a concert hall. We find an elevator and go to the observation deck. Yacht masts can be seen from above – ours is the tallest.
After sightseeing, we go to lunch and then to the yacht.

15-05-2022 Sunday Stralsund
After breakfast at 9:15, we go out to the Greisfswald Bay towards Stralsund, the fairway is winding and narrow, so we sail on the engine, and where it is possible to put the sails, it blows from the bow, so we cannot put the sails again (how does this wind know where we are going?) .

To Stralsund  Stralsund view from the sea

We are in a hurry to make it to the opening of the bridge at 3:20 pm. Next opening at 17:20. We cook dinner on the water, and since we arrive about 30 minutes before the bridge opens, we moor to the dolphins and eat lunch. Delicious noodle chicken. ,

Stralsund bridge

We pass under the bridges (the latter is 40m high and has no drawbridge) and we moor in the marina. Immediately after mooring, the hafenmaster comes to us and charges us a fee, he is surprised that we want to leave the same day, so we get a discount for parking – there is no parking for a few hours in the price list. After a short cleaning the yacht, we go sightseeing.

Stralsund Oceanarum  Stralsund pub  Stralsund Gorsfock

The plan includes the Town Hall, Old Town Square and Gorsh Fok (an old sailing ship). We implement the sightseeing plan in 100%, so as a reward we enter the ice cream and after 2.5 hours we return to the yacht. At 19:10 we go to sea. We sail along a narrow canal, on the way you can see birds walking on the sandbanks, the whole bay is a bird reserve. We go out into the open sea, but the wind speed is 3kn, so it’s a bit too little to put up the sails.

16-05-2022 Monday Warnemüde
In the morning, even before sunrise, we see a lunar eclipse. Then, before the approach to Warnemünde, a seal comes with us.

Moon eclipse  Sunrise
At 9:20 am we arrive in Warnemünde and dock in the Alter Strom marina on the river. First, we try to enter the dolphins, but the dolphins do not even reach the cables, so we retreat and stand longside closer to the entrance to the port. Some nice man is taking the ropes from us. After retrieving it with a phone, the bossman appears in the barrack, which is a temporary office. The price includes electricity and water, access to toilets and showers with hot water. You can pay by credit card.

Warnemunde office  Warnemunde  Warnemunde cruise ship  Seagull
We go to Rostock by S-ban. All this is in Rostock, a ticket with 1 change costs 2.4 €. S-ban, on the occasion of the bridge renovation, does not commute to the center, so we have to change to the tram. It’s Monday, so all museums are closed. In communication and in places related to medicine (clinics, pharmacies, etc.), masks must be worn, but they do not have to be FFP2. The sightseeing list includes the Old Town, University Square, city walls, town hall, St. Mary’s Church with an astronomical clock.

Rostock University  Rostock fountain  Rostock town hall  Rostock church  Rostock pulpit  Rostock the clock
In Warnemünde, we traditionally go for ice cream and return to the yacht for coffee and a nap. Around 5 p.m. we go out for a walk around the city, go to the beach, see the lighthouses (unfortunately only from the outside, because we are too late to go inside) and admire a very nice summer resort (now it’s a district of Rostock).

17-05-2022 Tuesday Wismar
We get up before 8 am, fill up with water, and then go to the breakfast room nearby (near the lighthouse) for breakfast. We take an American breakfast, i.e. scrambled eggs with bacon, a muffin and pancakes with maple syrup, and a delux breakfast, i.e. 2 toasts with fried eggs with bacon, and a salad. Everyone takes coffee too.

Breakfast  Warnemunde Lighthouse

After breakfast, we enter the lighthouse (you can visit it from 10 am to 7 pm, but the last entrance is 6:30 pm) Ticket price 2 € person. At the checkout we meet a nice gentleman who is or was a captain of cruise ships. The lighthouse offers a beautiful view of the port and its surroundings. We go downstairs, embrace a short time and leave at 11:40 am. It blows 2-3B from NE, so we sail at a broadside at a speed of 6.5kn. We eat lunch on the water – spatulas (poured dumplings with sauce and mushrooms). Coffee after lunch. At around 5 p.m. we reach the Wismar Bay and the wind stops, so we use the engine for the last stretch. We arrive at Wismar at 19:20 to the Westhafen marina. Hafemaster is open daily from 9am to 10am. You can pay for the marina by putting money in an appropriate envelope and dropping it into a mailbox outside Hafemaster’s working hours. In envelope is a price list and a place for the name of the yacht, but you must have the money deducted. We park in the stern, but the Y-boom ends in the middle of the yacht – funny … We go to the old town for ice cream.

18-05-2022 Wednesday Wismar
After breakfast, I pay for the marina, electricity and water are payable, shower payable additionally 0.5 €. Then we go to visit Wismar according to the plan I got in the marina office.
We see the old town, 3 churches, a well, a pig’s bridge, a water gate and beautiful streets.

Wismar  Wismar  Wismar water gate  Wismar market   Wismar St. Nicholas church  Wismar concert
We fly to the ice cream shop of yesterday and we return to the yacht.
It is warm in the yacht, so Tomek installs the airflow to the window – it works brilliantly.

19-05-2022 Thursday Burgstaaken
We leave at 9:05, of course, after breakfast and coffee. 5 yachts set off with us from Wismar – first we sail together through the Wismar Bay, and then we go across the Bay of Mecklenburg. We are sailing broadside against smooth water, so with 10kn wind we have a speed of 4.5kn. The sun is shining, it’s 24 degrees outside – the temperature is almost perfect.
Around 3 p.m. the wind dies and we enter Burgstaaken on the engine. We are only the longside from the front of the pier. This is a new pier, there will be electricity on it in a few days (but fortunately we don’t need it). Toilets and showers with hot water are included in the price of the marina. You can only pay in cash. Hafemajster works in the barrack – as is the case at the construction site in the afternoon until 8pm. We go for a walk around the marina. On the other side of the port there is a U-boat and a SAR ship that you can visit (until 5pm), unfortunately it is already too late.

Coming back, we go to the port pub for beer and salad, of course Poles work there :-).

20-05-2022 Wednesday
We get up at 6:00 a quick breakfast and leave – we have the entire island of Fehrman to sail around – unfortunately the Fehmarnsund bridge is too low for us. 4B is blowing from the right direction, so we are sailing 6-7kn.
Traditionally, around 3 p.m. the wind ends so we sail on the engine, fortunately we can set sails again in the Kiel Bay.
In Kiel, we stripe at the Sporthafen Kiel in the large yacht basin.

21-05-2022 Thursday  Kiel
The marina office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with a break from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. It costs € 26 per night including electricity, water and toilet. There is a € 1 token for the shower.
In the promotion, the 6th day of standing is free. It turns out that the place where we stood is reserved, so we switch to the other one for the first pool. It’s less sheltered, but the view is nicer.

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