From Gdańsk to Świnoujscie 29.04-07.05.2022

Route Gdańsk-Świnoujście

Route: Gdańsk – Władysławowo Nexo- Kołobrzeg -świnoujście
Date: 29.04-07.05.2022
Miles / hours: 390Mm/95h

30-04-2022 Saturday, Władysławowo
We are setting sails for a cruise around the world. We are heading for the opening of the footbridge at 9 o’clock.
We wave goodbye to our daughter and go out into the world.

There is a beautiful sun on the bay awith fresh breeze about 2B, Pluskata is sailing at a speed of 6 knots.

We enter Władysławowo around 1720. We moor the longside in front of the Y-booms. Immediately after mooring, a harbour master pops up to collect the fees. Electricity and water are included in the price.
In the evening we go for a walk around Władysławowo, complete our grocery shopping, get some snacks and return to the yacht.

1-05-2022 Sunday
After morning coffee with butter cakes, we set sail towards Bornholm at 0850.

To Bornholm  The sunset
Blows 1-2B from NW then N. We sail 4 knots in the wind 6 knots on the mainsail and genoa.
After leaving, we have breakfast. The weather is sunny, but it is cold around 7ºC. Everyone dresses up warm and we tell stories in the cockpit.
After the tour, we connect the solar panels. Despite the setting sun, they charge with 1A.
In the evening the wind eases a little and we pass 29mm through the night. The daily mileage is 60Mm with an average speed of 4.3 knots.

2-05-2022 Monday – Nexo
In the morning it “diverges” to 8 knots (it’s such a poor 3B), maybe it is still smooth, so we are going almost 5 knots, and the panels are loading economic and navigation banks with 12A electricity.
The weather is fine all day, but still cold. We’re going to the Nexo. We arrive after 8 pm. so everything is already closed. The harbor office does not work, and you pay for the marina in the shop open from 9 am to 5:30 pm. In the evening we go for a walk around the town.


A black cat is walking with us, it enters the yacht and looks at it from the outside and then looks at different angles.

3-05-2022 Tuesday Nexo
In the morning we go to the shop and pay for the marina, we get a WiFi code and a shower and electricity card.

Nexo cemetery  Nexo launching  Nexo  Nexo
After taking a shower, we set off on a city trip. Nexo is deserted, most places are closed (including tourist information and butterfly park), visit the church and cemetery – the only active attraction in this city, then take the bus to Svaneke.

Svaneke  Svaneke before the season  Svaneke Weddings  Dinner Svaneke

There we eat the fish straight from the smokehouse. Then a short trip to a nearby windmill and take the bus back to Nexo.


In the evening we do shopping and at 7 p.m. we go out to sea towards Kołobrzeg.

4-05-2022 Wednesday Kołobrzeg
1-2B blows at night, but rather from the right direction. We enter Kołobrzeg before 12.00 We go to see the maritime museum (2 warships that can be entered and a lot of equipment (cannons, torpedoes, old boats and one yacht).

Kołobrzeg  Kołobrzeg  Kołobrzeg  Kolobrzeg

We arrive at a table for 7 with a reservation in 45 minutes, so we quickly eat the company dish (cod and chips). The food is tasty, fresh and quickly served. After returning to the yacht, we drink coffee, chat and do shopping in the nearby Biedronka.

5-05-2022 Thursday
We go out after breakfast. It rains a little and blows poorly.
At 1pm we eat a “brunch” – salad of chicken, spinach, couscous, tomatoes and a toast with garlic. Around 2 p.m. it clears up and the sun comes out. For dinner, we eat dumplings with onions, and obligatory coffee after lunch. For dinner there are ham and cheese toasts. Blows 2-3B with faith in a sensible direction. Szymon calls us to Hultaja via VHF, they’ve just set off and are sailing non-stop to Plymuth.

6-05-2022 Friday
The night is lovely, the sky is full of stars. We turn at night and start sailing towards Rügen. In the morning we sail closer to the cliffs, everyone pulls out their cameras and phones and the cliffs have a great photo session.

Rugen  Rugen clifs  Greiswalder Oie

After the photo session, dinner – dumplings, fried sausage with onion and bread. The wind is dying, so after trying to sail with 2 staysails with or without mainsail, we finally drop the sails and start the engine. We have 4 hours on the engine ahead of us …

Świnoujście approach

We dock in Świnoujście at 2030. Small grocery shopping, captain’s ball and the end of the cruise the next day.

Świnoujście marina  Świnoujście

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