From Copenhagen to Świnoujście 14-22.08.2021

Route to Świnoujscie

Route: Copenhagen-Helsingor-Klintholm-Sassnitz-Świnoujście
Date: 14-22.08.2021
Miles/hours: 202 Nm/34 hours

14-08-2021 Helsingor
We set sail in the morning in Copenhagen – Lynette’s hospitable harbour and sail on the half-wind to Helsingor.

Helsingor   Helsingor castle interior   Helsingor cannon   Helsingor marina
In Heslingor we visit Hamlet’s castle, obligatory on the itinerary – it has nicely preserved interiors, interesting exposition, and weather is just right for staying inside. You pay for the marina in a machine and immediately get a card to the electricity pole. On departure you can settle the unused amount in the parking fee.

15-18.08.2021 Klitholm
In the morning we leave Helsingor and after sailing 73Mm we enter the marina in Klintholm on the island of Møn.

Seagull   Copenhagen from the sea   Cliffs at Mon
In the morning of the next day we rent bikes and go on a trip to the cliffs. We arrive at the GeoCenter Møns Klint, leave the bikes and continue on foot. The cliffs are huge and very spectacular. It turns out that the stairs we wanted to use to go down the cliff are out of order for safety reasons, so we go back the same way. As we travel, it starts raining.

Møns Klint Geocenter   Cliffs on the island of Møn   Klitholm
The next two days there is a strong wind on the Baltic Sea, so we stay quietly in the harbour. We spend our time exploring the island, stocking up on groceries and admiring the surroundings.
The marina is paid for in a vending machine and a printed sticker must be placed in a visible place on the yacht.

19-21.08.2021 Sassnitz
The weather is getting better and we sail towards Sassnitz. We sail downwind and in the afternoon we moor in the marina of Sassnitz. The price of a marina depends on the berth – the bigger the berth, the more expensive it is. The dimensions of the berths are indicated at the ends of the piers. After having paid for the berth (office open from 16.00 hrs) you get a code for the toilets which is valid until 16.00 hrs the next day. There is no drinking water available on the pier – you have to go to another pier to get it (it is not allowed to park there).

On the way to Sasnitz   A trip near Sassnitz   Cliffs near Sassnitz   A trip from Sasnitz
The next day we visit a U-boat naval submarine – you can only pay for the tickets in cash!
The next day is a trip to the cliffs – they are not as huge as on the island of Møn, but still very nice.

22.08.2021 Świnoujście
In the morning we leave Sassnitz and in the afternoon we reach Świnoujście. We park right next to a building with a washroom and sanitary facilities.

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