Fuerteventura-Isla de Lobos-Lanzarotte 15-25.04.2022


15-04-2023 Saturday
In the morning we go to the market – it is open only on Saturdays from 8 to 14 at the bus station. There are several fruit and vegetable stalls. There’s a long queue for a couple. We stand in line to the stand, where there is the largest selection. The prices are lower than in the supermarket and the vegetables are much better. In total, we buy a whole backpack of vegetables for 15€.

18-04-2023 Tuesday
We rent a car and go on a day trip. We visit the salt factory in Las Salinas, now it’s mainly a museum, but it produces about 70 tons of salt a year (previously 700 tons a year), then we go to the Barranco de Las Penitas ravine – and we go on a two-hour hiking trip – first along the tourist trail, and we return unmarked path, we regret a little that we are not chamois, but we manage. After returning, we go to Casa Naturalesa for dinner – a lovely pub full of greenery and nooks and crannies – just like not in Fuerteventura.
The next point of the program is Aguas verde that means green waters. There are on the west side of the island, beautiful green rocks, lava pools into which sea water splashes.
In the evening we return to the marina.

19-04-2023 Wednesday
In the morning Tom refuels the car and goes to return it to the airport. Around 12 we go to the sea. This time we are sailing with Amaru (1 year and 3 months old) and his mother (Polish). It blows about 17 kn, but the young man is doing great, i.e. he falls asleep. After an hour, he wakes up and whines a bit, but soon we enter the marina, so everything is fine. Another dinner, washing the deck and we can laze around.

20-04-2023 Thursday
Tomek decided to connect the chain counter to the steering column (the radio one broke down over a year ago). First, it turned out that one cable (power supply) was cut off, then the protection diodes spoiled the communication, then it was impossible to pull out the excess cables, finally in the evening something worked.

23-04-2023 Sunday
We put fairings on the rear windows. You will now be able to open gaps when it rains.

24-04-2023 Monday
Today is cleaning day. Tomek washes the deck and bimini, and I clean the inside of the yacht.

25-04-2023 Tuesday
We leave Puerto del Rosario marina this morning. At the beginning there is almost no wind (about 3-4 kn), but at noon it blows to 8 kn, so we put the genoa and the mainsail. Our joy does not last long, soon the wind dies again. Instead, we pass herds of feeding dolphins, and before the island of Isla de Lobos we pass a herd of whales – they are huge and emit plumes of water.
Around 13:30 we anchor at Isla de Lobos, but we do not sail to the island – we do not want to leave the yacht alone at anchor, and there is not much place to anchor our boat, cruise ships only come up, drop off passengers and depart from the pier. At 4 p.m. we set off on our way, the wind blows, so we put the sails on and with a wind of 10 kn we sail 6.5 kn. Fairy tale. We enter Rubicon Marina at 5:30 PM. The marina office is no longer open, but the marinero shows us the place and picks up the moorings. It turns out that Poles on a motorboat live at the same pier. Next to us is a yacht with a Polish flag, but not a Pole, but a Catalan – he claims that Polish regulations are much more liberal than Spanish ones.

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